Thursday, November 26, 2015

Report: Miami could lose billions from coastal flooding by 2050

MIAMI – Nov. 25, 2015 – If the floodwaters rise, they could take billions of dollars worth of South Florida real estate with them.
No region in the U.S. is more vulnerable to the threat of coastal flooding than the Miami metro area, according to a new report from commercial brokerage CBRE.
About $366 billion worth of real estate would be exposed to a worst-case scenario "100-year flood" in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, the report found. The greater New York area has $237 billion worth of real estate at risk. New Orleans came third with $144 billion exposed.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Риэлторы шутят

- Как можно узнать опытного риэлтора?
- По опухшему правому уху, вытянутому языку и стертым по колени ногам.

Беседуют риэлтор и супружеская пара, которая собирается приобрести домик за городом.
- Тот дом, что Вы вчера показали нам, очень мил. Но ужасное бетонное здание напротив портит весь вид.
- Ничего страшного. Это завод по производству динамита. Рано или поздно он все равно взлетит на воздух.

Почему дом во Флориде стоит 500 тысяч $, а такой же на рублевке 5 миллионов $
- Потому что Флорида это 15 000 километров от МКАД

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Недвижимость во Флориде

Если вы рассматриваете варианты покупки недвижимости за границей и выбираете страну, чтобы обрести второй дом, возможность на протяжении всего года ездить на отдых, сдавать приобретенную зарубежную недвижимость в аренду и получать прибыль, а также хотите сохранить и приумножить накопленный капитал, обратите ваше внимание на недвижимость во Флориде. Вилла во Флориде привлекательна для людей разного социального статуса и возраста, желающих переехать в этот солнечный штат.
Почему стоит приобрести недвижимость именно во Флориде?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Realtors laugh

This country is great. It’s the only place where you can borrow money for a down payment, get a 1st and 2nd mortgage and call yourself a homeowner.
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Why buying the worst house may be best

SAN JOSE, Calif. – Nov. 18, 2015 – Homebuyers are wise to take note the nearby houses before they make an offer on that picture-perfect home. Buying the most expensive house in the neighborhood isn't always the best strategy.

The buyers may have bragging rights, but they may need to be informed about some challenges during resale, experts say. Unloading the priciest home on the block and seeing an increase in equity isn't easy.

"A lot of buyers forget a home is an investment," says Brendon DeSimone, a real estate expert and author of "Next Generation Real Estate." "The world changes. Things happen fast. People transfer, people lose their jobs. Now imagine yourself as the seller of that home."

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Real Estate Jokes

An agent who was being paid by the week approached his office manager and held up his last paycheck.
‘This is two hundred dollars less than we agreed on,’ he said.
‘I know,’ the manager said. ‘But last week I overpaid you two hundred dollars, and you never complained.’
‘Well, I don’t mind an occasional mistake,’ the agent answered, ‘but when it gets to be a habit, I feel I have to call it to your attention.’
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